Dear Parent(s) and students,

Welcome to fifth grade!

I am your child’s homeroom teacher for this school year. I am looking forward to a year filled with exciting, positive learning experiences. Communication, consistency, and positive reinforcement will be the key to success for your child.

Your child’s education is of the utmost importance to me, as I know it is to you. In order to insure that your child understands the concepts presented in class, he/she will have homework five times a week, as a means to practice the skills taught at school. Completion of homework is essential for skill mastery. Therefore it will also be a part of his/her grades for each quarter.

Homework is your child’s responsibility. Help them develop a responsible attitude toward homework by providing a set time, quiet place, and some assistance. Homework can increase your child’s school achievement, teach good study skills, and teach the students responsibility and self-discipline. Please monitor your child’s homework assignments. See that they are done neatly and turned in on time. This will help your child to develop the life long skills that will provide for them in the years to come.

Assignments will be posted on the classroom’s whiteboard daily and it is your child’s responsibility to copy his/her assignments into his/her agenda. It is then your child’s responsibility to take home the agenda and necessary work and complete the assignments. There is also a “Homework Hotline” on the school’s website that can assist you and your child in completing their daily/absent work. The website address is beep.browardschools.com. Have your child sign in under “student.” Your child is then also responsible for bringing his/her homework to class. If it is done and not brought to class, it is unfortunately counted as not being done. Please sign your child's agenda nightly.

In this letter, I have provided some important information that will help you and your child get through fifth grade. I will be discussing this information with your child, but I would appreciate it if you would also review it with him/her as well.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please feel free to contact me by writing a note, calling the school office at 754-322-7400, or emailing me at
Traci.Cohen@browadschools.com. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. It is only with students, parents, and teachers working together that we can provide your child with the best possible education. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this school year.


Mrs. Cohen